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Top 7 tricks to pass your certification exam

One of the problems that many learners have is the difficulty in remembering what they have learned. Trying to memorize lessons can be very difficult at times when an exam is near. We are trying to help you to solve this problem. Well, then we suggest you take a look at this set of instructions that will be offered to you through our website.
1. Make your purpose clear
You need to clearly understand what you want. You have to believe that you can. If your goal is a top rank, believe that you can win it. Promise yourself every morning, "I can do it - I can do it." Write your desired result in a clear paper and paste it in a visible place. This will give you fresh energy.
2. Select your studying area
The place where you study can greatly affect your ability to study and remember what you are studying. Your study area should be calm and quiet. If you feel the noise in your home or surroundings is too loud, consider joining a nearby library. There is a great environment for studying. And the natural environment makes it ideal for studying.
3. Keep your study desk and room clean
Even if you study in a library during the day, you have to study at night in your home. If your surroundings are a mess, your mind can not be confused. Avoid stacking up on your desk and stacking up books.

4. Stop learning on your bed
The bed is an enemy for many who study. Because the bed is comfortable, many people choose to study. So you can fall asleep without even knowing it. In other words, a person who is used to studying in bed is addicted to it. So you have to impose a ban on yourself.
5. Make a timetable
If you want to study regularly, you need to set a timetable. If you have not shared the lesson work from the beginning, the work you need to do when the exam is near is too big. It can cause unnecessary stress. Therefore, it is very important for a learner to manage his time properly.
6. Prepare short notes and highlights them
Put the important points in your lesson into a separate paper. Otherwise use a highlight pen. It will help you to remember the important points in your lesson.
7. Take care of your diet
Eat nutritious foods that will help boost your memory while you are studying. Turn your attention to a balanced diet. Eat more fruits and drink more water. Reduce stress and caffeine-containing foods. For some people, eating a meal of rice at night is like sleeping. Get some light food for the night.

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