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Modern CCTV cameras can identify suicide terrorist accurately by analyzing his behavior

You may have seen the terrorist agitated and abnormal behavior through CCTV footage of the terrorist suicide bombs being broadcast across media after every kind of terrorist bombing. Do you know that the ARVAS system can judge the suspicious person by analyzing his behavior and then the system can predict whether he is waiting for his colleague to get the support for the attach or the person waits there for his personal duties, not to do a malicious activity?

With the technological revolution in the modern world, intelligent supercomputers that can evolve and function hundreds of thousands of times as fast as more than the human brain. The ARVAS project, which is currently under investigation, concludes that it is not too far to eliminate the terrorism that threatened the whole world. The aforementioned supercomputer can manually access most data without any human interaction and respond to it instantly. If you remember, a well-known businessman on a popular TV channel came up with a great deal about Artificial Intelligent. We are not going to discuss AI here because we believe that you will understand that defeating terrorism is not only about using artificial intelligence (AI) but also that you can accomplish many things. Let's see how AI can directly contribute to the security of the country.

Using AI to protect the country

One of the most popular applications of AI is the use of face recognition to identify faces. The facial recognition application, designed to target people on the road to monitor and reveal the carelessness of their behavior. It has helped to recognize many people who work along carelessly and then mitigate accidents. Also, in some countries AI applications being developed as a watchman to guard the prison. This facial recognition technology is highly remarkable in Japan. They have successfully been used to enhance the security at the thirtieth anniversary of Empire in the country. In this manner, machine learning aka AI has already proven that the country can overcome threats.

Various investigations are being carried out to increase the security of the country using the information of CCTV cameras and footage. A company situated in Singapore who's having a higher knowledge about artificial intelligence and machine learning is developing a system to identify people who behave strangely and extraordinary. That system is called ARVAS (Abnormality Recognition Video Analytic System) which can quickly detect abnormal and suspicious behaviors.

According to Raymond Looi's clarification (CEO of that above mentioned Singapore company - 'Vi Dimensions'), the current technology is not enough to alert people about the dubious behavior of human interacts and expressions. CCTV cameras were able to trace all of the suicide bombers and suspects involved in the terrorist attack in April 2019, as well as motorists who used to support them. But if you study the behavior of all those stalkers, you will be able to identify them in advance. If there was a technology out there to identify the terrorist that would directly help to protect a large number of people who lost their lives or at least minimized the damage, then people would still happy in church. After watching the CCTV footages, we can identify them through the behavior of suspicious bombers. Now you understand the importance of the ARVAS system we mentioned earlier and how it is a powerful weapon to treat against terrorism. 

The Proper use of data from CCTV cameras

We are already aware that CCTV video monitoring is usually done by security personnel located in a separate room. According to survey results in some cases reveal the human attention span changes every 20 minutes. Hence when dealing with a lot of CCTV screens and data, this situation can change and the final outcome will nonproductive. The first stage of the ARVAS system is the detection of abnormal and suspicious behavior. The first stage of the ARVAS system is the detection of abnormal and suspicious behavior. The data of CCTV video footage is used to collect the information. But if suspicion is gradually fading away, there is a high likelihood that it will fail. However, in ARVAS system has a solution for that. Simply, it's like a robot. Suspicious behavior is recognized by the system itself. ARVAS System has been installed in Singapore with over 200 cameras. Sometimes the ARVAS system can be more accurate than an experienced security officer. Let's consider an example.

Imagine a person is wasting time at a bus stop. The ARVAS system monitors that person and his behavior and puts that information into the database to analyze if his behavior is suspicious. Then, the most important thing should happen. The system must judge the suspicious person's behavior whether he is waiting until arrives his friend or for the purpose of a terrorist attack. To identify the real purpose of the person, diverse information is essential for the system to give the result. After a few hours of observing and monitoring a person, the system can provide the appropriate information. Then, accurate data can make the job of the security officer easier and minimize the potential damage.

Not surprisingly, we will be able to 100% improve the safety of all people by technologically improving and using AI. Nowadays, expertise in the field is testing those technologies and near future, the ARVAS system will be our security guards and we can totally eliminate terrorism.

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