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Does touch screen affect child development?

Young children who spend more time with smartphones and tablets sleep less than children who don't use such devices, according to a survey. In their report, the team of scientists who surveyed said that touch-enabled computers and smartphone devices could reduce their sleepiness by fifteen minutes every hour they spend with young children. However, research suggests that toddlers' motion pictures play better with touch-screen devices. The team of scientists who explain that children's movement activity improves over time says they should not sacrifice their sleep for it.

Nowadays, there is a technological shift in the use of tablets and smartphones at home, but many parents are unaware of the impact that these devices will have on the childhood of their children.

"Sleep Is Essential for Growth" - The survey, conducted by the University of London, Birkbeck, used seven hundred and fifteen parents with children under the age of three. In the survey, the team of scientists tracked the amount of time that children play with tablets or smartphones and their sleeping patterns.

According to data collected from the survey, it is revealed that a child will lose 15 minutes of sleep every hour of teasing with touch screen computers or phone accessories. "If you get between 10 and 12 hours of sleep a day, then losing 15 minutes of sleep is not that much of a problem, but sleep is so important to the growth of babies that they lose 15 minutes of sleep a day," surveyor Dr. Tim Smith told the BBC. The survey did not yield 100% absolute results, but Dr. Tim Smith said the use of the touch screen could help ensure that children's sleep is disturbed.

Is a touch screen appropriate for young children?
"It's a difficult question to answer right now. The scientific research in this regard is still in the early stages, so it is difficult to give a clear answer," he said. However, in addition to the 'touch screen', parents are also concerned about the number of time children spend in front of a television screen, says Dr. Tim Smith.

Parents should be careful not to limit the amount of time that young children watch TV and spend time with touch screen electronic devices, allowing them to engage in physical activity and not allow the child to spend time with all the electronic screens a few hours before bedtime. The doctor says that. Anne Joyce, of the University of the University of Coventry, points out that more research and scientific research is needed to determine the extent to which touch screen influences children's sleep.

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