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How to concern about your eyes when using computers

Eyes are the most valuable organ in our body. Your eyes work as long as you stay awake. As a result, there are some cases of eye fatigue. Being in front of a TV or a computer for a long time is very detrimental to your eyes. And if you stay awake for a long time, your eyes will become fatigued. The best thing to do in these cases is to take a short break and get some sleep. But if you have too much work to do, you cannot get even a quick break.

Let's see a very simple method and the results are effective. We would like to share some little exercises with you. 
  • Put your elbow on the table and close your eyes. Keep your eyes closed for a few minutes. This is an exercise that will lighten your eyes as well as your mind. 
  • Stand straight. Instead of turning your head, look at your left-hand side. Look at the right hand again. Do this about three times. This will give your eye muscles proper exercise and protect you from stress in your eyes. 
  • Stand straight. Exercise by looking up and down, as seen from the left.
  • Stand straight. Just turn your eyes and look down to your right. Pay attention to the object you see. Look back, Now look at the bottom left. Pay attention to what you see. Do this several times. 
  • Stand up straight and calm down. Look ahead. Rotate your eyes from right to left. Repeat from left to right. Repeat this exercise three times. 
  • Grab a pencil or pen. Focus it in front of your eyes. Now, look at the pencil first. Then look for an object that is slightly far in front of you. Look at the pencil again. Do this exercise about three times a week. 
  • Stand straight. Try to keep an eye on your eyebrows. Wait a few seconds. Look ahead. Repeat as before. Look back Do this several times. 
  • Sit straight in a chair. Look at the tip of your nose. Now look again. Look again at the nose. Repeat this exercise about 5 times. Close your eyes. 
  • Just sit for a few seconds and open your eyes. Close tight again. Do this several times. Doing this exercise several times a day is the best remedy for eye contact. 

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