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How to merge Facebook pages in 6 steps and know what Facebook does not tell you

According to Facebook policies and standards, you can merge duplicate pages that you manage and have admin privileges. You can find the instruction on Facebook to merge duplicate pages. However, merge functionality doesn't as simple as it sounds. Today we provide correct guidelines and show you some extra tips that even Facebook doesn't tell you. Last few months, we have guided several companies and origination who requested to merge duplicate pages. We learned about merging quite a bit along the way and we are willing to share the experience with you. The majority of having duplicate pages for one company might be the admin or employee who uses their Facebook account as a personal profile and manage individually, but the profile has been using for business. On the handsome companies didn't create a business page on Facebook. In personally, we have helped several employees to create their own page and publish on Facebook. 

When creating pages on Facebook, we can find duplicate pages which have slightly different in spellings. Those multiple pages can be merged and it will help you to develop your business as a social marketing strategy. By merging multiple pages into a single page allows you to keep all the customers and fans in one place. Thus, controllability and business marketing will be easy for page administrators. 

Prepare Your Facebook Pages to Meet the Requirements for Merging

There are certain criteria with a procedure to merge Facebook pages. Let's discuss the procedure in detail to merge the pages without any interruption.  
  • You should have the admin role for all the pages being merged. 
  • The page should consist of similar content. For instance, you can merge page which represents nongovernmental origination with music band.
  • The pages should have similar names. For instance, it is possible to merge the 'Techie Freelancer' page with 'Techie Freelancers'. If the page's name is dissimilar such in case 'Techie Freelancer' and 'Technical Free Education' cannot merge due to Facebook terms and conditions. You have to rename the page. However, you can change the name of a page if it has less than 200 likes and the feature is limited. Make sure to deal with these activities carefully. Otherwise, both pages will block by Facebook. 
  • The pages should have the same address. 
Step 01: Facebook pages with similar names (Techie Freelancer and Techie Freelancers).

Step 02: Go to the Setting and scroll down to until Merge Pages

Step 03: Click Edit to continue. 

Step 04: After clicking on the Edit, you can see below the wizard gets appeared. Type the name of both pages in the text boxes given as follows.

Step 05: Now you have to select the page that you want to keep after merging both pages. Click the drop-down tab and select the page and click on the Keep Page button.

Step 06: Now you will able to see the page you select as keep in future and the duplicate page that you want to merge. Click on the Request Merge button to continue. After confirming to merge the pages by clicking the Request Merge button, your request will send to Facebook and popup the confirmation dialog box. Once the popup message appeared, click OK to process.

Before merging the pages, make sure to download the content such as images and important posts which you are willing to move over to the main page. When the merge process gets completed, you can see both page Likes are also gets merged to the main page. The other page will be removed from Facebook and it won't be able to access or un-merger. Therefore keep in mind, and work as a plan when you are going to merge your business page. 

Follow these easy step by step process and you can merge pages without any problem. Once you merge the pages successfully, it will help you to manage the page easily. You can use your page fans to boost traffic to your website and it will give your business/brand longevity. These details are tested and will help a lot of clients to merge their pages. If you want to add anything to this, welcome all to comment below and wishing your business growth.


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